Junior School

Physical Education lessons are with a specialist teacher and are supplemented by classroom teachers with additional movement/fitness sessions each week. Our program for students in Kindergarten to Year 3 aims to highlight the enjoyment of participation in physical activity while learning fundamental movement skills through structured movement activities. Students in Year 4, 5 and 6 are taught the skills needed for confident participation in sport and recreational activities. Students learn to make responsible decisions about physical activity and to promote their own health and wellbeing.
Throughout the year, in a two-week block, students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 attend daily swimming lessons with qualified instructors.
Term 1
Term 2
Inter-House Athletics Carnival
Inter-School Athletics Carnival
Cross Country (PP - 2)
GRIT Cross Country (3 - 6)
Term 3
Term 4
Inter-School Cricket Carnival
Inter-School Spring Carnival (4 - 6)
Secondary School
Sporting Life at Kearnan
In conjunction with the mandated Physical Education program from K-10, Kearnan offers numerous sporting opportunities for students to participate in to extend athlete development, as well as participation and exposure to the wider South-West region.
With sport being a major influence in the region the College partners with local groups and is a member of the School Sport WA South-West district to provide valuable range of competition.

Term 1
Term 2
Inter-House Athletics Carnival
SW Inter-School Swimming Carnival (Bunbury)
Champion Schools Tennis
Senior Champion Schools Basketball (10 - 12)
Inter-House Summer Carnival
SW Inter-School Athletics Carnival (Bunbury)
GRIT Cross Country (7-10)
Champion Schools Netball (9-10)
SHS Country Week (10-12)
SW Inter-School Cross Country
Champion Schools Basketball (7-9)
SW Yr 7/8 Lightning Carnival (Bunbury)
SW Yr 9/10 Winter Carnival (Bunbury)
Inter-House Swimming Carnival
Academy Camp
Term 3
Term 4
PE Electives available in Year 8 and 9
The HPE department offers a variety of options for student selection through their electives. All PE electives offer great foundational skills for students who choose to complete a Cert II in Sport Coaching in Year 10 and 11.
Sport Academy
Students who strive to be their best athlete can elect to enrol in Academy. With a strong sport focus of Netball and Basketball students learn about physical conditioning, nutrition, fundamental skills, strategies, and tactics, coaching and refereeing pathways. During class time, students have access to excellent facilities in the Manjimup Indoor Recreation Centre. With Kearnan being the only endorsed Netball specialist program in the lower south west and with nationally accredited coaches in both Netball and Basketball, students have access to the expertise to guide and mentor them for improvement and a lifelong love for their chosen sport. For more information on the Endorsed Specialist Netball program please click HERE

Outdoor Education 1 - Mountain Biking Focus
Students have the opportunity to further their understanding of safe riding practices, along with developing skills to ride as a group on extended expeditions. Students build confidence to traverse difficult terrain whilst acquiring basic riding techniques.
Outdoor Education 2 - Hiking Focus
Students develop the necessary skills to plan, prepare and conduct an overnight hiking expedition along a section of the Bibbulmun track. From camp cooking, setting up a tent and treating snake bites, students are exposed to a variety of new skills whilst learning to interact with nature utilising the ‘leave no trace’ practices.

Community Sport and Recreation 1 - Golf and Squash Focus
Kearnan is proud to partner with Manjimup Country Club to introduce students to the sports of Golf and squash. Students learn the fundamentals of each sport, whilst learning how each sporting club operates and what junior programs are available in their own community.
Community Sport and Recreation 2 - Badminton and Volleyball Focus
This elective aims to enhance students fundamental skills in Badminton and Volleyball, whilst looking at higher level strategies and tactics associated with each sport.